So we finally got up the Christmas lights. We did not blow a fuse so living here is pretty nice, considering the fact that if we put up more than 6 strands of lights at my parents house the whole house would blow out. Hehe.
At any rate, it was beyond exciting putting up lights in my own house this year. I got so into the spirit that I made these here stockings using some craft green glitter glue, and stockings I picked up at the dollar store.

He wanted to put our 15 foot snowman up on the roof! I wouldn't let him because I was afraid of a gust of wind taking him away. I did however settle on allowing him to put the 6 foot snowman up on the lower level roof. It looks pretty good!
I put the larger 15 foot snowman up in the front between the 2 lit up trees. He looks pretty dang good there. We had began putting the lights up on November 1st, which was a little early. Just yesterday, December 2nd- others in the neighborhood finally began to put theirs up! I was waiting for a month to see others get into the spirit. I got my spirit a little early!

Here is me and my Bubba!!! I plopped the little hat on him, he was not happy about it!

The walkway below, was lined using Halloween branch lights I got on sale for $2.00 for a set of 3. I bought the last 2, and just used them as xmas lights. No one knows the flippin difference!
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