I sort of have a strange love hate relationship with this particular glitter paint by Martha Stewart. At first I loved it, however as it dried and a second coating was added to try and get more shimmer out of the glitter I realized that the color was getting deeper and uglier, and it also was not drying evenly.
Instead I was left with a hotter colored pink, which was altering the colors of my original paint job, and it looked streaky.

However if I use just one simply coating, the result is a lot better looking, but the amount of glitter is actually very, very faint and barely even noticeable. 

Instead of a glamorous glittery shimmer, you are left with a more shiny and pearly sort of glazed finish.
For now, just one coat on the doors panels does not look too bad though, so I cannot be too harsh when it comes to this stuff. I just wish that for the high price it was of higher quality, with glitter speckles that actually can be seen better.

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