Sunday, October 6, 2013

Christmas Holiday Dining Table Decor

I start everything early. Half of my Christmas lights are already up, and I have already began playing Christmas music on Pandora. I guess moving into a new home will do that to you... put you into that happy Holiday's sort of good mood, good vibes state of mind.

Granted my friends think I am crazy, and the neighbors were shocked to see my lights lit up the other day... but ehhh... screw em... so long as I am having fun.

The thing about the Xmas holiday, is that I AM A LIGHT FAN. I love new Christmas lights, I love putting them up... but after unpacking I realized I did not have a whole lot of Christmas decorations.

I had a large decorative Santa figure as seen here.

And lastly my Christmas dog- I am not sure what he is? A pug, a boxer, a terrier of some sort? But he was cute and unique, and I simply had to have him.

Ain't he just a peach?

At any rate, with just 3 holiday themed items, I started feeling down in the dumps. I wanted to deck the halls when it came to my dining table.

So on a holiday shipping spree I went.

I came back $200 poorer, but my dining room table is now decked out for the holidays, and the entire set up you see here came to a grand total of about $70.00. Quite a bit, but when I found this burlap wrapped deer, and this adorable looking fake evergreen pine tree... I had to have it.

I found the deer in Marshall's for $39.99, which is a little high for me, but I figured my Santa cost the same, as did my unique dog statue, and the fabric green wrapped deer was around $25.00 a few years ago.
I did circles around the deer while in the store. I was not in the market to spending that much money before the holidays, and of course before my first mortgage payment, but I knew if I left my little doe behind, I would regret it later on. 
After finally stuffing the deer into my tiny cart, I came across the small balsam tree, that looked very realistic, and it matched my deer! The burlap was also used as the trees base. The little tree came to about $17.00. 
Next was the table cloth, which you cannot see to well by the photos, but it has a glitter red shimmer to it. I liked that it was fabric, and could be washed. My other half is a slob and will spill anything and everything he can on it! The table cloth only came to $14.99, which is not bad for something I could use year round, and it can be washed.

Lastly was the peppermint spiral table place-mats. These were $7.99 for a set of 4, and I simply had to have them!

The little snowman body mug I had from a few years ago. It seemed to match my decor, so I had to add it to the mix for flair!
 And up there is my bully! He says hello, and he absolutely hated posing for this holiday shot!

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