Above is the old crib before I yanked it apart.... below is the rail bar which I used to make my rack.
STEP 1: Buy a pack of screw in hooks. I found mine at a local Home Depot for like $3.99 for a pack of 50. After that I simply screwed them into the wood by hand. (It takes a little muscle power to really get them in, but once you get the gnack for it, you can finish rather fast.
STEP 2: Easy part. Simply paint it, wait for it to dry, and then hang it on your wall using nails.
I painted my an antique aged bronze by painting the wood black, and then adding a coat of Martha Stewart's specialty copper finish paint
Below is the finished project. I will update this page with the rack hanging on the wall once I find the time to actually get it up. I can hang hundreds of necklaces and bracelets off of this rack! And the best part is the fact that it only cost me the price of the hooks!
(Don't mind my messy floors, they are eventually being torn up :)
Anyhow, lesson of the day--- never throw out old wood. You can more than likely make use of it if you just put your mind and imagination to it.
I finally got around to putting up the rack. I placed it just underneath the shelf that I painted and hung recently. I think it goes perfectly and I love that I have more than enough hooks for rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. My little dream room!!!!
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