Saturday, September 28, 2013

Some Granny Memories! Antique Bathroom Sign

When my Granny passed away, my uncle pretty much emptied out the contents faster than I had the chance to really have the heart to go and visit the home. It was like my second home, and upon my return there was literally nothing left. 
He however missed one thing, the sign that hung on her back porch bathroom door was still there, and I always loved the sign. In fact it belonged to my parents at one point, and somehow ended up on her back porch bathroom door. 
I felt so excited to actually get it in my possession, and the fact that no one else took it, or that it did not end up being thrown out literally almost made me cry with happiness. You see, I spent 3 days in the hospital with her, my mom, and my cousin while she departed this realm. 
No one else stood. 
So when she did pass, I could not bring myself to go to her home knowing she was not in it. It was too soon, too.... wrong?
At any rate, that sadness aside, I did end up with this here treasure, and was so happy to get my walls painted, and hang it up.
I am not necessarily sure if it is an antique or not, but I do know it hung in her home for 30 years or so. So it surely has some age to it.

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