Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tips on Keeping Your Home and Yard Mosquito Free This Summer

Nothing spoils outdoor summer fun quite like mosquitoes can. You're having a BBQ, and all of your guests are complaining about being bit by mosquitoes, or 'eaten alive'. Some withstand it, and others leave early. In these cases when mosquito's are out in pods of thousands it's pretty hard to deter them, and even the best bug spray seems to miss the mark.

There are other things you can do however in order to keep your yard as free from mosquitoes as possible.

If you are planning on having a late night summer BBQ, you will want to go around the yard and place a bunch of citronella candles out to let burn long before the guests even arrive.

ThermaCELL Mosquito Repellent Lanterns can also keep you guests, and yourself free from mosquito bites. This nifty device keeps an area 15X15 feet clear of the suckers. ThermaCELL can be bought in more forms than just a lantern, so next time you are out and about, and need to pick up bug spray, try one of these lanterns instead. They have nothing but glowing ratings.

Mosquito Repelling Bracelet's can also be picked up to give to children who will be running around the yard, outside of the 15 foot barrier.

Solar powered mosquito guards are also something you may want to consider. These are convenient because you can leave them outdoors, and they will begin to work as soon as the sun starts going down. They let off the ultrasonic sounds of male mosquito's, which repel female mosquitoes, since they are the ones to bite.

Insect repellent can also be used as back up. Combine this, with one of the above mosquito repellents, and you should be safe from the blood suckers for the rest of the night.

Other natural ways to eliminate mosquitoes from your yard would be to plant certain plants that mosquitoes despise. You can plant them all around your home, or sporadically throughout your yard.
Such plants and herbs include rosemary, catnip, marigolds, and horsemint. While outdoors, if you pick a few leaves, crush them up and rub it on your skin or keep the crushed leaves around you, it can help repel mosquitoes.

To nip the population down, always look through your yard for any places that may store water, such as buckets. Dump all water from buckets, and keep water in bird baths clean at all times. If you eliminate the source, the mosquitoes are less likely to be in your yard.

For your home, in the hotter summer months, you do not want to leave your windows open. Always leave the screen down, otherwise mosquitoes will fly right into your home. Do not leave doors open either.

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